Born: Aurolzmünster, 24.06.1990
From: Aurolzmünster, Austria (Ried im Innkreis)
Citizenship: Austria - Innviertler :-)
I want to be a living testimony for Christ and seek the kingdom of God more every day and hopefully point people around me to Christ. (What the heart is full of, the mouth speaks.)
March 2019, I gave my life to the Lord Jesus Christ. After feeling the love of our Savior through the people in this church.
I work in sales for a company in the food industry. My countries there include Africa and the Middle East.
"So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love."
1 Corinthians 13:13
I have over 150 pair of Shoes.
I joined the church here in 2019, shortly after that I helped where I realized that there was a need, in 2022 I was allowed to take over the leadership of the young adults together with 3 other wonderful brothers and sisters, where I have been serving ever since. - So if you are a young adult or feel like one (and yes, that's enough) and there is something you would like to talk about or need advice, I am always happy to help.