Pastor Ivan

Pastor Ivan

Pastor Ivan

Pastor Dominik

Pastor Ivan

Jordan C.

Pastor Ivan

Lissi G.

Pastor Ivan

Simon U.

Simon Elias Unteregger


Born: Schwarzach/St.Veit, Austria 07.09.1997
From: Wagrain, Austria
Citizenship: Austria


I try not to become a "Martha," but I do see church as something I actively help shape. I want to support the church and use the talents God has given me to contribute to His community. Since I’m responsible for the children's ministry, my vision is to provide the kids with an open yet profound access to God and His Word.


My wife, Nathalie, and I started attending Calvary Chapel in 2020. We both believe it’s important to be actively involved in a church community. We formed a cleaning team with other church members, and later I began supporting the worship team as a drummer. Nathalie leads the Hospitality Team, and we serve together in that role.
For just over a year now, I’ve been leading the children’s ministry and conducting kids' classes. During our Wednesday meetings at church, I occasionally share my thoughts on the Bible passages we are studying.
In addition to these roles, I’m really glad to be part of Calvary Chapel, and I enjoy witnessing how the church has grown and evolved over the past few years. It’s also inspiring to see how others contribute and how the community is vibrant, thriving, and changing.


My parents came to faith before I was born, so I grew up as a church kid, Bible reader, and avid reader of Christian stories and literature. When I was 12, I made a personal decision to follow Christ during a Christian summer camp. After a turbulent phase—let’s just call it adolescence - I had the opportunity to work with a missionary in Sicily in 2015, during the height of the refugee crisis. It was there that I repented and rededicated my life to God. Upon returning from Sicily, I was baptized in my home church, where I had grown up, as a public declaration of my faith.


I hold bachelor's degrees in Biology and German Education, as well as German Studies. I'm currently working on a master's degree in German Studies, focusing on literary theory and literature. Additionally, I'm enrolled in a Philosophy program, although it's not my main focus, and I briefly studied Political Science and Economics.
In terms of work experience, I was an educational guide at the Salzburg Zoo and was responsible for overseeing the lemur group. For the past two years, I've been working at a Christian institute, where I write and edit articles and organize events, including concerts and lecture evenings. I also worked as a tutor at the University of salzburg, holding introductory courses in literature and cultural studies.


"Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom." 2. Corinthians 3:17


I'm a pretty good freestyle skier and can do several flips and spins on skis – but I'm starting to get too old for it. Additionally: I always have at least one book with me, even on the ski lift.


Email: simon-unteregger@hotmail.com

Pastor Ivan

Nathie U.

Pastor Ivan

Michi P.

Pastor Ivan

Angie M.

Pastor Ivan

Otto S.

Pastor Ivan

Nollie I.
